Custom Design Solutions For Aquatic Projects
- Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery (Conservation/Enhancement: PRAS)
As a Senior Design Engineer for McMillen, Founder and President Ed Aneshansley led this Partial Reuse Aquaculture System (PRAS) design project. The mission was to design and construct spring Chinook smolt production systems that would isolate the smolt from disease and high temperature in the surface water of Icicle Creek, produce smolt that were in better condition for release in the spring and ultimately result in higher rates of adult fish returning to spawn. Ed was involved in the design, installation supervision, commissioning and ongoing technical support for this project.

- Ideal Fish (CEA: Aquaculture: RAS): Ideal Fish is an inland Brackish RAS system designed to produce European Seabass, (Branzino) based in the United States. Through his Employment at Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems (PAES), Ed Aneshansley was the lead design engineer on this project. His duties included:
- Lead Design Engineer
- Coordination of Trades
- Installation oversight
- Commissioning and training
- Ongoing Production support
- Owners Representative for expansion plan.
- Univ. of Rhode Island- Trout-Salmon Genetics Laboratory (Broodstock/Research: Aquaculture: RAS)
- As a Senior Design Engineer for Aquatic Eco-Systems Ed Aneshansley transformed the East Farm Road Trout and Salmons Genetics Lab on the University of Rhode Island’s Kingston Campus. As part of an Energy Audit by Noresco LLC. the lab was identified as the single largest water consumer on the campus. By implementing RAS technology, Ed was able to reduce the water use by 90% and have a significant improvement in Campus resource allocation.

- MIT-Zebrafish Lab (Biomedical Research: RAS)
- Though work associated with Aquatic Habitats, Ed Aneshansley was the primary system integrator for the Zebrafish Genetic Research Center at MIT. The lab was designed in the basement of a newly constructed building in Downtown Boston, utilizing all union labor and required professional design and installation coordination. Duties included:
- -Project Management
- -Equipment Supply
- -Installation oversight
- -Commissioning and training
- -Long term service and support.
- Though work associated with Aquatic Habitats, Ed Aneshansley was the primary system integrator for the Zebrafish Genetic Research Center at MIT. The lab was designed in the basement of a newly constructed building in Downtown Boston, utilizing all union labor and required professional design and installation coordination. Duties included:
- Yakama Nations Fisheries, Mel Sampon Coho Facility (Conservation/Enhancement: PRAS)
- Urban Organics (CEA: Aquaponics: Vertical Farm/RAS)
- PAES Water (Research: Aquaculture: RAS)
- Bridgeport School of Aquaculture (Education and Training: RAS)
- Marine Magnet School (Education and Training: RAS)
- Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility (Research: Aquaculture: RAS)-Freshwater Institute (Research: Aquaculture: RAS)
Reach out to us today at (978) 578-2589 to discuss your project needs.